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Jenni D. (Ortonville, MI, US) Had so many things to see and do!! Beautiful trip!
Candice d.l.R.C. (Dallas, TX, US) Savannah Tour Pass
RDubs (Lavallette, NJ, US) This is a great value, if you plan ahead, review the venues for accessibility that the pass offers and map out where you’ll visit before you buy. But you’ll get a great view of Savannah in just a day.
Cheryl G. (Gainesville, FL, US) Savannah Tour Pass
Cheryl W. (Springfield, OH, US) The tour pass gave us an opportunity to see many wonderful old homes as well as the hop on hop off bus gave lots of info around town. I have been to Savannah many times with girls but we never took any tours. The tour pass was very reasonable in price and many options.