colonial park cemetery, savannah

Savannah TourPass

Colonial Park Cemetery

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Why You Should Go

Colonial Park Cemetery was established in 1750. Having served as Savannah’s only cemetery for more than a century, the six-acre tract is the final resting place for more than 9000 Savannahians who died between 1750 and 1853. Like many cemeteries of the same age, Colonial Park has separate areas for the graves of Jews, Negroes, and “strangers.” Many graves are distinguished by special markers placed by the Georgia Historical Commission, which highlight an individual who had special historic significance.

  • Button Gwinnet Grave – Perhaps the most famous person to be interred in Colonial Park is Button Gwinnet. A signer of the Declaration of Independence, Gwinnet was killed in a duel with General Lachlan McIntosh, who is also buried here.
  • Yellow Fever Epidemic – It is estimated that more than 700 people who lost their lives in the tragic days of the Yellow Fever Epidemic were laid to rest here, many in unmarked graves.
  • Gravestone Wall – Indeed, many of Colonial Park’s graves now stand unmarked. Visitors often comment about the headstones propped up against the cemetery walls. These headstones were cleared by Union soldiers when General Sherman’s soldiers used the cemetery as an army camp, and their original location was lost to history.

Parking & Transportation

See map below for address

How it Works Video

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Pass purchases can be refunded (minus 3% credit card processing fees) if requested within thirty-days of purchase date (for unused passes). Optional Trip Insurance can be purchased for a nominal fee at checkout which extends the refund period up to one-year from purchase date. Conditions apply. View full refund policy by clicking button below.