river street, savannah

Savannah TourPass

River Street

You can view Featured Tour availability prior to purchasing a pass

(Does not show times for Standard Attractions that you can visit anytime during their operating hours)


Why You Should Go

River Street is a must-visit locale if you’re in Savannah! There are a multitude of shops, restaurants, bars and of course the Savannah River flows by provided spectacular views.

To be transported back in time, simply look beneath your feet. The cobblestones used to pave the street itself and the ramps connecting Bay Street to River Street were initially brought to Savannah as ballast. The stones were loaded aboard ships on distant shores hundreds of years ago as place-holders for the bales of cotton that would fill the ship’s hold on the return voyage. These stones, brought here from all over the world, were usually just tossed overboard, and for years during the city’s early days they simply sat in huge piles along the riverbanks. By the mid-1800s, city engineers had devised plans to use the stones to pave the streets and build retaining walls to prevent erosion of the white sand that covered the riverfront.

Parking & Transportation

See map below for address

How it Works Video

Make Reservations in Advance or Show Your Pass at the Gate! Full Admission is Included.


Applies to multi-day passes (more than 1 day). Enter your email below (unsubscribe at any time). Code is entered on final checkout page.

mobile pass entry
risk free guarantee

Pass purchases can be refunded (minus 3% credit card processing fees) if requested within thirty-days of purchase date (for unused passes). Optional Trip Insurance can be purchased for a nominal fee at checkout which extends the refund period up to one-year from purchase date. Conditions apply. View full refund policy by clicking button below.