Frequently Asked Questions
Have questions about how TourPass works? If so, checkout our answers and video below.
Overview Videos & Pass Demo Videos
Overview of How it Works
Demo of Mobile Pass
How to make reservations on the Mobile Pass and how it works
Mobile Pass Demos
Pre-Sales Questions
Tour Pass is an easy to use all-access mobile pass that is presented to tours and attractions which admits the purchaser into a multitude of Charleston, SC – Savannah, GA or St. Augustine, FL’s top tours/attractions with no additional fees. After purchasing a pass, instructions are given to download the app and login.
100% admission is included….just show your pass app! The mobile pass will help you plan and organize your visit with detailed tour information, automated reservations, maps which show where you are, bus and trolley maps and more. (watch the mobile pass demo on the top of this page)
For a complete list of included tours:
Non-Consecutive Day Use: Multi-day passes can be used on non-consecutive days (i.e. Purchased a 2-day pass, activated for Monday and Friday).
Save up to 40% or More off of retail ticket prices. The more you do the more you save. View our saving examples page
Separate Pass for Each City Required: You must purchase a separate pass for each city. A Charleston Pass won’t work in Savannah, St. Augustine and vise versa.
How to Purchase a Pass:
- Visit the city of your choice and then select your pass duration: 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 days and proceed to checkout.
- After purchase, you will instantly (within seconds) receive a text message and email that contains your easy instructions to download the app and then link your purchase to your pass. An Internet connection is required.
- You can then choose your activation date (can be today or 6 months from today) and begin making tour reservations today for the activation dates selected.
- We recommend that you watch the mobile pass demo video on the top of this page.
No Paper Tickets: You CANNOT present printed tickets. Tour Pass is 100% digital. A smartphone and internet connection is required.
- TourPass is Convenient & Stress-free: We only include the top experiences so you don’t have to stress about which tour companies are the best.
- Includes 100% Admission: Just show your pass….admission is covered.
- Saves Money: Save up to 40% or even more. The more you do the more you save. View saving examples.
- Make Reservations in Advance: No more visiting a bunch of sites, making reservations and entering your credit card multiple times. It’s all organized on your pass.
- The Mobile Pass: After your purchase is completed you’ll instantly (within seconds) receive instructions to download the app, validate your info and then you can make reservations in advance (watch video above). The app includes detailed attraction info and interactive maps so you never get lost.
- Skip the Ticket Lines since you’re making reservations in advance. TourPass is your ticket.
- 30-Day Risk-Free Guarantee: Can extend to 1-year after purchase with our Trip Protection (5% of total amount).
- Rated 4.8 Stars – view reviews
- Customer Service: And lastly, our Team has put a lot of effort and thought into providing a superior experience. We respond to support questions and concerns immediately.
There are two categories of tours/attractions to choose from – Featured and Standard.
Featured Tours: Most require reservations which can easily be made on the Mobile Pass you receive after purchase. Reservations are automated. TourPass connects to the tour company’s reservation system.
Watch the demo videos at the top of this page to see how easy reservations are made.
To view tour availability on the days you want to tour visit this page.
Standard Tours: Do not require reservations. Simply present your pass upon entry and pay zero admission fees.
Absolutely and we encourage this scenario since purchasing in advance will allow you to fully research and plan your vacation.
After purchase, when your ready, simply activate your pass for when you’ll be visiting and begin making reservations for that future date (can be today, tomorrow or months away).
Days are counted as a calendar day and not per 24-hour period. It’s best to begin your day in the morning. If you check-in or make reservations on a particular day, that day will be active. If you do not then that day will not activate.
FOR MULTI-DAY PASSES (2, 3, 4 or 5-day passes):
- Your pass is good for the number of days purchased (2, 3, 4 or 5-days). You will have 10-day window after activation to use your number of days purchased.
- Days don’t have to be used consecutively.
- Your pass is not valid for 10-days…only the number of days you purchased! You have a 10-day window to use your 2, 3, 4 or 5-day pass after activation, not a 10-day pass
- Visits for everything must occur during your active days. Purchase a 2-day pass, all Featured and Standard/Walk-in attractions must be visited within 2-days.
TourPass is NOT a discount card and includes full admission to whatever attractions you choose.
It’s simple…
- Featured Tours: are typically timed tours that require reservations. Reservations are easily made within the Mobile Pass you’ll receive. The number of Feature Tour reservations allowed per person tours/attractions allowed is determined by pass duration purchased. See table below.
- Such as carriage, harbor, bus and walking tours.
- Standard Tours: are places that don’t require reservations. A museum for example can be visited anytime during their operating hours. You can visit as many places in the Standard/Walk-in category as you wish for the duration pass you purchase.
- Such as museums, parks, historical sites, wineries and restaurants.
The number of featured tour reservations allowed per person is determined by the duration of the pass you purchase. See table below:
For example: Purchased a 2-day pass (includes 3 feature tours).
- 2 people x 3 feature tours = 6 total feature tour reservations.
- If both people select the same tour….that would use 2 of the 6 feature tour reservations on their pass.
Before purchase you can search tour availability before you purchase TourPass. If there is no availability after you purchase we can issue a refund. Click the link below:
Yes. After you complete your purchase of TourPass, you will then choose the activation date which can be the same day or six months from now. You can then reserve or make reservations for dates that are on or after the activation date chosen. Watch the Mobile Pass Demo video at the top of this page.
Tours are designed to be visited 1x for the entirety of your pass. If for instance you’d like to do the Hop on Hop Off Trolley (Savannah + St. Augustine), then you could check-in on a second day which would use another of your featured tours.
Standard Tours can only be checked into 1x per person for the entirety of your pass.
- Each person needs to pay either an adult or child pass price unless you have a child 2 years of age or younger.
- You can purchase one pass can have up to 20 adults and 20 children per pass. Call if you’ll have more than this and we can accomodate.
- A family for instance would purchase one pass, add 2 adults and 2 children all on one pass, which can be presented at each attraction where they check everyone on the pass in at once. No need to fumble with printed tickets…TourPass is very simple to use.
If you have a large group then please visit our Group Sales page
- After purchase, you have up to 12 months to use your pass.
- After you choose the activation date. you have a 10-day window to use your active days.
- Your pass is not active for 10-days. See example below.
- For instance, if you purchase a 3-day pass and activate it on October 1st (active day #1), take a few days off, resume touring on October 5th (active day #2), take a day off and use your last day on October 7th (active day #3…pass expires at Midnight). Pass features such as the map and landmarks locations will still work until October 10th although you won’t be allowed entry to attractions.
- All visits must occur on your active days.
- No worries, we include a 30-day risk-free guarantee and allow refunds within this window (see conditions below).
- You can extend the refund window up to 1 year by purchasing Trip Protection at checkout.
- We can refund Max or Day Passes if we’re notified up to 48-hours prior to tour reservation start times.
- We do access a 3% cancel fee to all refunds.
Since discounts are built into the pass already, we are unable to offer additional discounts to TourPass.
- Child passes can be reserved for children between the ages of 4 and 11 years old.
- Children who are 3 and under are admitted for free into many tours and attractions.
- Anyone 12 or older will need to purchase an adult pass.
- Absolutely. Our site has a valid SSL (secure-socket-layering) web address which can be visually authorized by glancing at the web address bar above and noticing that our address begins with https (secure) and not http (unsecure).
- Transactions are processed through Authorize.net, which is owned by Visa the leader in internet secure transactions, Apple Pay, Google Pay or PayPal if you choose.
- We subscribe to a premium site security provided by Sucurri, a leading website protection provider.
Charleston, SC – DASH Shuttle
- Hop on hop off buses are provided for free by the City of Charleston’s DASH Shuttle Program.
- There are 3 routes that go all over Charleston and stop at each bus stop every 10-15 minutes.
- Here’s a map you can print and use. The black dots are bus stops. All bus routes intercept at the Visitor Center located at 375 Meeting Street. 80% of all attractions on Charleston Tour Pass are located within downtown Charleston.
- Click here for more info
Savannah, GA – Free Shuttle Program – Dot Express
- Great transportation system that’s free – click here for more info
- You can also choose the Narrated Hop On Hop Off Trolley for 1 day as a featured tour.
Here’s a basic printable list by city that you can view and share with others. You can of course direct them to any of our city pages as well:
Basic printable Tour Pass list by city:
Mobile Pass How it Works
- A smartphone is required with an internet connection or data plan. Watch the Mobile Pass demo video at the top of this page.
- After purchase we provide instructions to download our app to your phone along with your unique pass ID which will link your information to your app.
- The Tour Pass app is connected to the Tour Vendor’s booking calendars via API so when you make a Featured reservation, it appears on the Vendor’s calendar automatically.
- Instantly after purchase, our system will send you a text message and an email containing your unique pass ID number.
- Download and then open the Tour Pass app, enter your unique pass ID number, then you can choose your activation dates.
- You can select an activation date which could be set for today or 3 months from today.
- Once set, your pass will then allow you to make reservations for your active days.
- Days are counted per calendar day and not per 24-hour period.
Once you choose an activation date, the app will allow you to make advance reservations for when you made your pass active.
Watch this video which explains and demonstrates how to make a Featured Tour reservation:
If you purchase a pass for your group…for instance a 2-day pass for 4 people, you can send your pass to all people in your group. Doing so is great for groups or families that want to visit different attractions from others in the group.
Each attraction can only be visited 1x per person on the pass. TourPass can be purchased for multiple persons. For instance, one tour pass can be purchased for up to 30 adults and 30 children on one pass.
Read explanation below.
Attractions are required to check Tour Pass users in upon entry. When you present your mobile pass to participating attractions they will ask for your unique Pass ID number which can be viewed upon opening your mobile pass. The attraction will check-in however many people are present. If for example your pass were purchased for 2 adults and they check-in 2 adults, then that attraction will not allow re-entry in the future since each attraction can only be visited one time per person.
Example: Multiple Persons on One Pass: When Sending to Others Makes Sense:
- In this example the Parents purchased one 3-day Tour Pass for four adults.
- They are taking their Daughter and Son-in-Law on vacation and wanted to pay for the TourPass.
- The Parents could send or share their unique pass ID with their Daughter. They could download the app and enter the shared pass ID into their app.
- The Parents could do what they want to do while their Daughter and Son-in-Law could also visit separate attractions they want to see at the same time.
- The Parents could visit a Museum which would only check-in 2 of 4 available adults on that pass which would allow their Daughter and Son-in-Law to visit the same Museum at a later time….even on a different day.
- They could meet-up for lunch….then split-up again and so forth.
- Tour Pass is very flexible.
- TourPass is 100% digital and all managed on the TourPass app. It’s all very organized and easy-to-use. Paper or printed tickets are not accepted.
- After purchase you receive instructions to install our app. On the app you can make advance reservations for Featured Tours. Just arrive and tell them the name on your pass and for how many adults and children. They’ll already have your booking in their system awaiting your arrival. Once a reservation is made you’ll also receive an email confirmation.
- For Standard Tours and some Featured Tours, you just show your pass at the ticket counter, they check you in and all admission costs are paid with your pass.
- On the app, each tour has easy-to-follow booking and arrival instructions.
Yes you can. After purchase, on the app, click the “upgrade” button and then you can select how many extra days or people you’d like to add to your existing pass. If you have a 1-day pass for example, you only pay the difference between what you paid a 1-day pass and the upgraded day pass costs…there are no additional fees to do so.
Refund/Rescheulde Tour Info
Featured tour cancel or rescheduling?
- Most featured tours/attractions can be rescheduled or cancelled within 48-hours prior to the tour departure time in Charleston & Savannah. In St. Augustine, walking tours on the pass do not allow refunds.
- Most tours can be automatically rescheduled or cancelled within the Mobile Pass. Simply click the “reschedule” link under the tour to start the process.
- No-shows will not be allowed to reschedule by any tour company.
- To dispute, please call or contact the appropriate tour/attraction directly. If they allow the reschedule or cancellation…then we will allow as well.
- TourPass has no authority to authorize policies set by the Vendors we work with. We must abide by Vendor’s cancellation policies.
- For cancelled tours, no cash value will be transferred or refunded. You’ll have the option to reschedule another time if allowed to do so by the Vendor; or if cancelled, we can allow you to choose a different featured tour.
- If you reschedule or cancel a Featured Tour, send a text message or email to TourPass so it can be removed from your pass.
Can I get a refund, What's your policy?
- We have a 30-day risk-free refund period after purchase. Trip Protection can be purchased for a nominal fee (5% of total amount) on the check-out page that extends the refund duration period to 1-year after purchase.
- All refunds must be submitted via the form on this page
- There is a 3% cancellation fee charged for all refunded passes. For additional refund info visit this page below:
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